Focus BIS provides a range of extensive cloud based management systems to meet the requirements of quality, safety and the environment. Based around the framework requirements of International Standards 9001, 45001 and 14001- so you get great value.
- Remove Duplication – dramatically save on administration resources
- Get accurate records in a timely manner
- Get verifiable data to support decision making
- Remove version control issues updating data live
- Better Accountability for staff
- Meet complex requirements with ease eg submitting service reports with before and after photos
- Improve efficiency for your field staff by issuing work and supporting docs straight to their phones/tablets without having to come to the office
- Better control
– Better control of stocks of PPE and areas such as training and asset maintenance.
10 ways FocusBis will save your Time and Money
Book your 30min FREE Consultation or Contact us today. The consultation will cover your needs for a Custom IMS Solution and how our online management system will create value in your business.
Great Results, Expert, High Integrity
“Anjie’s extensive software development skills coupled with her process engineering, systems knowlege and understanding of compliance has been been instrumental in the growth of our business. Anjie was soley responsible for the development of our ‘Web Facing’ operating system and maintaining certification of our quality, safety and environmental management system.” June 27, 2011